
How to distinguish your brand and make it visible in the sea of competitors?

These are tough questions to answer, especially in the hyper-convenience era we are living in.

One great way suggested by an IPM Bitesize article is the key to success is creative sampling, pop-up experiences, and experiential partnership activations that can help FMCG brands amplify their digital efforts by widening reach, generating WOM and creating a lasting impact.

Even online shopping, which has become ever more popular, especially during the pandemic, needs a direct, personal touch. Samples, freebies, and physical engagement are invaluable in building long-lasting and strong relationships with customers.

But are all freebies valuable?   

Is some form of merch better than no merch?

In our experience, any old merch can cause more problems than benefits. Why?

In the last few months, we all started to hear more and more about #GoZero action.


Imagine a company promoting itself as eco-friendly, using #GoZero in its social media campaigns, sending out to customers they'd thought not to use plastic or non-recyclable, but choose gifts that were not relevant or valued by the customer. Despite the good intentions, the message, instead of strengthening ties, will have the opposite effect.   Even worse, it could garner negative social media attention.

So, how do you choose suitable, on-trend, mindful merchandise that will align with the company’s value?

By explaining your work environment, needs, customers, and message, we can help maximise product relevance and provide the “wow factor” while having the added benefit of making things last longer, go further, and be more effective.

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